Why Redeemer?

The structure of Sunday Services at Redeemer West Coast, a newly planted church in Langley, BC.

At Redeemer, we have focused our attention on the Biblical principles of worship and how God has outlined what worship can look like. We sing theologically sound worship songs and focus our attention on the truths of the words being sung.

Our spotify playlist below shows the songs that we regularly sing at our church:

Spotify Playlist

Expository Bible Teaching:
We believe that the Bible was meant to be taught in an expository manner and as such, we will always have sermons focused on this practice.

Order of Service:
We have an "ordered" service, which feels a bit more traditional.

The liturgical elements are as follows:

What does an 'ordered' service look like?

  • Prayer

  • Call and Response Scripture Reading

  • Songs of Praise

  • Confession of Sin 

  • Words of Assurance and Pardon

  • Songs of Worship

  • Scripture Reading

  • Confession of Faith

  • Request for Illumination

  • Sermon

  • Intercessional Prayer

  • Closing Worship Song

  • Prayer and Benediction

Reading of Scripture:
Part of our worship service is the reading of scripture to set the context for the message. This has been a powerful time of listening and reflection as we hear the Word being expressed out loud.

Sunday School:
Our Sunday school program begins at 9:30am and goes until 10:15am for each age group.

* We do not currently have a nursery attendant, so if you plan on bringing your child under age 5, you will need to accompany them during Sunday school and the family service.

*The K-5 group meets together as well as a Grade 6-9 group.

*The Grade 10-12's will meet with our adult Sunday school group that is led by various church members/elders and is focussed on specific topics. It is a discussion style, and has been a big highlight for our members.

Family Service:
We believe that worshipping as a family is vital in the spiritual formation of our children. Our service welcomes all kids during our family service, but there is a universal understanding that kids may make noise, and that's ok! 

We have a nursery available for small children (accompanied by the parent), but all children are welcome during the service. You may want to bring some coloring items or toys to keep your kids engaged during this time, but everyone has an understanding that kids may make noise, but it is a joyful noise to us:)